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2018 in Books #1 : Outliers

My membership at the Evanston Public Library is my best-worst decision. Best, because I now have e-books delivered right into my Kindle without having me trudge in snow to borrow or return a book and the worst, because it is going to make me lazy and unfit.  Cut to the chase, Outliers has been a good start to 2018. At a modest 300 odd pages, Malcolm Gladwell writes a deeply researched and critically analysed account of success stories that we know of.  | The biggest takeaway you can get from Outliers  is the "other side" of stories, which are often ignored for the sake of glorification of the achievement. | It was enjoyable to see how tiny, seemingly inconsequential factors can help a person go a long way. A popular example the book talks about is Bill Gates' rise as a billionaire when he was a college dropout.  Treating his story superficially has led to popularizing the opinion, "hey, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were college drop outs

Pyaar Dosti Hai

"What an absolutely delightful thought! Pyaar dosti hai. Love is friendship."
-Ms. Briganza from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

Cheesy lines from Bollywood but they do strike true. Friendship is grossly underrated. We have art celebrating love in the form of romantic and sexual relationships - movies, songs, paintings, monuments, stories glorifying this love to no end. And somewhere, a tiny pocket references friendship in its true sense.

I also really like this movie.

Why is being friendzoned considered as a joke or a pitiful state? We 'see' our friends just as much as we'd 'see' someone on dates. We can be intimate with friends in sharing our thoughts and we even trust them more than our dates. There is so much simplicity, fewer expectations and no demands. Isn't that kind of love wonderfully real? Bros before hoes. Sisters before misters. Friendship that runs deeper than anything you've ever known. Despite this, there is a tendency prioritize and prefer lifelong commitments with a single person over friendship.

Being in a romantic or sexual relationship doesn't elevate our status or make us any more secure than we are. We don't need one to complete us. It isn't an indicator of your worth or desirability. It is fun and magical to be with someone. But we needn't tie ourselves to just this or define ourselves by this.

Friendship and other kinds of relationships have a lot to offer too and that shouldn't be underestimated or patronized.

Let's honour all the kinds of relationships we have with everyone we know putting friendship a little higher than where it is. Let's remove the 'just' from 'just friends'.

Edit: I watched 'The Lobster'. Absolutely fantastic, twisted and dark and lightly skims over this issue. I highly recommend this one.


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