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2018 in Books #1 : Outliers

My membership at the Evanston Public Library is my best-worst decision. Best, because I now have e-books delivered right into my Kindle without having me trudge in snow to borrow or return a book and the worst, because it is going to make me lazy and unfit.  Cut to the chase, Outliers has been a good start to 2018. At a modest 300 odd pages, Malcolm Gladwell writes a deeply researched and critically analysed account of success stories that we know of.  | The biggest takeaway you can get from Outliers  is the "other side" of stories, which are often ignored for the sake of glorification of the achievement. | It was enjoyable to see how tiny, seemingly inconsequential factors can help a person go a long way. A popular example the book talks about is Bill Gates' rise as a billionaire when he was a college dropout.  Treating his story superficially has led to popularizing the opinion, "hey, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were college drop outs

Simple Joys

This is a post I typed out perhaps more than year ago. Made a few edits. Feels nice to see this again in "dark times". And to know you have grown, oh so much! #throwback

Here's a lighter blog post for you. Recapitulating some of the simplest instances that bring boundless joy during college. (Apologies for making it like a ScoopWhoop list). Here is my list (so far).

1. Lecture getting cancelled
It doesn't matter when or why, free time is happy time!

2. Lab getting cancelled
Infrequent one, hence more joy. 4 hours of free time, which basically means go home/out.

3. Entire day frees up and you get a 4 day week with Mondays off
No more Monday morning blues! *tears of joy* *love for class representative*

4. A random person ACTUALLY knows what ICT/UDCT is
*pride overflow* when they say "oh the chemical engineering college" and not "Khalsa ke saamne?" or worse, "kya?"

5. A non-ICTian knows one of the college fests without you having told them
Yep, someone actually knows about Vortex/Manzar/Saga by having attended it previously and not because their news feed has been spammed.

6. When the canteen has something you like
Veg. Cutlet, Masala Puri or PaddlePoP = YAY!

7. Last day of semester
Nobody gives a shit anymore. 5 days of end sems, bas hua. Time to live life.

8. When a professor announces the next test will be an assignment/presentation and not a written test
*experiences gratitude for the first time*

9. Getting accurate results in an experiment without any form of manipulation
*awaits this day*

10. When your entire class shows unity in some aspect
Often for negative reasons, but hey, a cause is still a cause

11. When friends get accepted into the university of their choice
And you feel elated seeing the university logo with #machadiya on your newsfeed.

12. Getting a "thank you" for helping set up the laptop and projector
Oh so rare, but oh so beautiful!

13. "There may be totaling errors, please check once"
The 20 seconds that follow are the ones filled with infinite optimism. Drums roll, there could be intense background music as pages are flipped and fingers count (because you still doubt your mental math). One will never experience such hope any time in their lives.

14. Finding your HOD available for discussing concerned issue
On your first attempt.

15. Having survived the 6th semester (at least for B.Pharm)
Taking each day as it comes, letting it go with the flow. Phew! 2 months to go.

Leave your happiest moments in the comments below!


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